Thursday, May 13, 2010

(Bangladesh) Onnaipurer (town of injsutice) Kahini

Once a master and sagred went out a tour, they visited many places on their way. But they found a very absurd town Onnaipur where justice flailed away. Anyway, one important aspect of this city everything is sold at same price. For example, 1 kg dalda=1 kg garam=1 kg cini=1kg kambing=1 kg rosogulla= 1 bottle shampaign=TK10(ja niben dosh taka, niyle nen, na niyle angul cusen).

So, sagred told master ,”I wanna stay here and wanna become fat eating dalda dan kambing everyday”. Master warned his disciple indicating the rules and regulations of this city. But sagred was insistent and he dared stay there. Anyway, he started eating so much that he became the fattest guy in the city.

Sagred was passing his days very happily. But an unwanted incidence took place when a burglar filed case against the house-owner.(I told u that this is Onnaipur!!!!)

Burglar: The lord of the ring our King, my friend died from wall-breakage while removing bricks from house-owner wall.

King: summon the house-owner.

House-owner: Our majestic lord, I did not know anything about the wall, I just paid the contractor to build my house.

King: Summon the Contractor

Contractor: Sire, I do not know anything about the wall. I ordered the head wall-builder to implement the design I got from house-owner.

King: Summon the mason (head-mistri. RajMistri =? Jana thakle post kore diben).

Mason: Jahapona, I think the mashla (concrete mixture) had some problem since my associate added much water.

King: Summon the associate

Associate: Jahapona, amar choddo gostir kosom(swearing by his predecessor), I did not do that willingly. It took place because an elephant was running towards me and I tried to put the water in pail aside, but alas! It fell down.

King: Summon the elephant.

Elephant: Ore ghirel raja!!!!(ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo). I heard a buzzing sound from the nupur(an ornament made of silver which is worn on ankles).

King: summon the nupur

Nupur: Is this my fault that the beautiful lady worn me and danced times to times while walking.

King: Summon the Lady.

Lady: Sire, wt can I do? The goldsmith made this to create buzzing sound.

King: summon, the goldsmith.

Goldsmith: Jahapona, please forgive me because I did not know this silver can create so much sound though I added up much bronze to it which I brought from Africa.

King: thinking so much about the issue and found no one to summon. So he asked his state-attorney (Current BD attorney general) to hang goldsmith.

State-attorney: Hey, take him to the stage.

But the goldsmith was so thin that they could not tight his neck to the swapping plates. So they planned out to bring a fat man so that they can at least hang someone. As words announced, soldiers started looking for a fat man. At last they got the fattest man in the town who was none but sagred. Sagred understood his ustaz was correct. So he immediately wrote to him to save him anyway.

You all know an ustaz never wants to lose his sagred. He came to the spot immediately. Then he taught the sagred to act whatever he says. So, ustaz said that they would start bargaing to be hanged.

Then, sagred was brought to the hanging stage, suddenly ustaz came out and started saying, “hang me, hang me, hang me”. Besides, sagred insisted no no no,”hang me, hang me, hang me”

King was puzzled and asked what is going on. The ustaz was so clever, he told this is the season of paradise, that’s to say, whoever dies this time will be placed in paradise.

King: Oh! This is the golden time. I can not spare this moment. Hang me, hang me. At last king was hanged.

Background: I am thinking BD is almost getting into Onnaipur. So when it will turn into full-fledged form, the prime minister will have nothing to do but ….


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